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Ferial Govashiri

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Ferial Govashiri, currently serves as the Chief of Staff to the Chief of Content at Netflix. Previously, she served as the President Barack Obama’s personal aide in the White House. She worked on then Senator Barack Obama’s campaign beginning in the summer of 2007 in his Chicago headquarters working in the department of Scheduling and Advance; she went on to work in the White House after the election. For the first 5 years of the Obama Administration, Ferial worked on the National Security Council (NSC), first as a Senior Advisor to Ben Rhodes, the Deputy National Security Advisor and then as the Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff and the Director of Visits at the NSC. She helped plan the President’s foreign trips as well as the foreign leader visits to the White House. Ferial grew up in Orange County, California and graduated from the University of California, Irvine.

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