Simi Razavian says "we at MSA&Assoc.Inc. incorporates ancient sustainable solutions into modern Architectural projects. (we have been eco - conscious long before it was cool). Our first passive Design house was 27 years ago. We thrive on turning problem properties into wildly successful projects. We will take on things no one else would like to take. We have proved that we can turn unbuildable lots into lucrative development. For us it is important to leave a legacy of people friendly buildings and homes that are aesthetically pleasing yet blend harmoniously with the environment We design and build green and energy efficient homes for our clients and ourselves because they are healthier as they have lighter footprint in this heavy footprint industry." Specialties:Architectural design for high end custom homes, Multi family/ row homes and light commercials. Education Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design -- 1979 Emphasis: Vernacular architecture and passive solar design. Licensed Architect in State of California -- 1999 Certified Green Building Designer with Build it Green -- CGBD Accredited with USGBC -- LEED AP Certified Negotiation Expert -- CNE Community works: Friendsnetwork founder for proffesional women in San Diego 2011 to present Iwia (independant women in architecture) board member 2011 to present AIAP Board of director member for two years 2007 to 2009 Women in architecture committee member two years 2007 to 2009 PCC board of director member for two years Notable Accomplishments Speaker “Sustainable Architecture without Architects in Tabas, Persia” CCSE, May 22nd, 2012 SDGE Jan 26th, 2012 Mesa College Dec 5th, 2011 La Jolla Library Sep 20th 2011 SDG&E (San Diego Gas and Electric) May 3rd 2011 HP (Hewlett-Packard) Jan 20th 2011 SIAP (Society of Iranian Architects & Planners) Nov.11th 2011 La Jolla Library Nov 3rd 2010 New Mexico Solar Energy Association Sep 11 2010 UCSD Osher program July 15th, 2010 iWIA San Diego July 12th, 2010 Notre Dame University, School of Architecture, April 23rd, 2009 La Jolla Library July 13th, 2009 AIA Convention May 2nd, 2009 Published works: 2007 Décor and Style Magazine and San Diego Home and Garde 2008 Décor and Style Magazine and in San Diego Magazine under Designer Spotligh Involved with three Design Build projects recently -- All of them have been published Raised two boys, both now at UC Berkeley
FROM THE MIDDLE EAST TO EAST COUNTY: ARCHITECT CRAFTS HOMES THAT ARE ENERGY-SAVING AND BEAUTIFUL By Rachel Ford July 28, 2010 (San Diego) -- Green architecture is hot right...
Read MoreCulture Clash An Iranian-American architect mixes old-country practices with modern designs. Local architect Simi Razavian has guarded optimism for the recent obsession with green building trends. “Sustainable- design principles...
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